ABL Vactube Disposable


Catalog Number : ABL-VT3ED3K1, ABL-VT3ED3K2, ABL-VT3ED3K3, ABL-VT3ED3K4, ABL-VT3ED3K4.5

Vacutube 3K EDTA, manufactured by PT. Agarindo Biological Company, is one of the company's flagship products in the field of medical devices. This product is specifically designed for the collection and preservation of blood samples using the EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) anticoagulant to prevent blood clotting.

Catalog Number ABL-VT3ED3K1, ABL-VT3ED3K2, ABL-VT3ED3K3, ABL-VT3ED3K4, ABL-VT3ED3K4.5
Product Name VACTUBE 3K EDTA
Brand ABL Vactube
Color Purple
Pcs/Pack 100
Diameter 13mm x 75mm
Volume (ml) 1ml, 2ml, 3ml, 4ml, 4,5ml
  • Certificate ISO 9001

  • Certificate ISO 13485

  • Certificate CPAKB

  • Certificate CDAKB


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